What does the status “Case Disposed” mean ?In legal parlance a case disposed could be when the matter has come to its finality and the court pronounces case disposed . It is usually when the court has applied its mind and given a finality of the proceedings in the form of a final order or judgment.
Stages of a civil case
When a civil case is filed in a district court usually notice is issued to the opposite party to appear in person or through a pleader.
Written Statement
Now the opposite party say the defendant in a civil suit files a written statement . If the Defendant fails to file written statement within the time permitted as per the provisions of Order VIII Rule 1 CPC, this Hon’ble Court then the Plaintiff may pray that the court be pleased to pronounce the judgment against the defendant under provisions of Order VIII Rule 10 CPC.Usually the time is 30 days to file a written statement which can be permitted to be extended upto 90 days with the permission of the court and usually the court allows it .
Framing of issues
Issues are framed which are basis on which the trial of the case will be based. Certain issues will have to be proved by the Plaintiff and some by defendant. Both parties can also give their respective proposed issues to assist the court.
First the Plaintiff and his witnesses will be examined thereafter the Defendant. Basically whoever files the suit has to prove his case beyond doubt.
Final Argument
This is the last stage in a suit where both parties will present their case based on the evidence in trial and documents exhibited.
Case Disposed meaning
Now comes the the final adjudication when the court will pronounce its judgment and which will be followed by a decree. This is called disposal of the case where the case is adjudicated upon and if the plaintiff is able to prove his case then it will be allowed and if defendant has been able to show it is a false case instituted against him then it will be dismissed. Either way the case ends and that i was Case Dispose means.
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