Caveat India

Top Christian Divorce lawyer in Kolkata

Adultery as a ground for divorce under Hindu Law

File your Mutual Consent Divorce within 24 hrs

Mutual Consent divorce is probably the best possible manner in which a marriage can be dissolved . For filing Mutual Consent Divorce in Kolkata -2025 our fees is minimal considering that the process is extremely simple .There are provisions for filing a Mutual Consent Divorce Under section 13 B of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 so also there are provisions in the Special Marriage Act and also the Indian Divorce Act . In case of filing a Mutual Consent Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act there should be a separation of Minimum 1 year prior to filing the divorce Petition. However under the Indian Divorce Act which is primarily for the Christians , minimum separation period is 2 years .

Grounds for Filing Mutual Consent Divorce

Most importantly there are no allegations levelled against each other in filing a Mutual Consent Divorce Petition. Only ground is temperamental differences thats all.

Conclusion for Mutual Consent Divorce in Kolkata -2025

Kindly click  on  Caveat India  Helpline .and submit your details. We will get back to you shortly.  Also you may call us at 9873628941 for any query related to filing a Mutual Consent Divorce Petition in any Family Court Kolkata. Also visit our partner website at Taps9 Law Chamber 

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