Looking for an expert Domestic Violence lawyer in Delhi you will first need to understand the concept as enumerated in the Act. Provisions of Domestic Violence Act also known as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 provides various protection for women who have been subjected to domestic abuse in their shared household. A complaint under section 12 of the said Act may be filed in such cases where there is a genuine case of domestic violence against a woman. There are provisions for residence , maintenance among others in the said Act. you may call at 9873628941 for any issues related to domestic abuse . Advocate Tapan Choudhury with his vast experience of over 24 years in legal practice will guide you through.
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To avail services from an expert Domestic Violence lawyer in Delhi kindly submit your details by clicking the form here  for any query related to domestic violence and we will get back to you within a short time . You may call at 987 628941 for instant consultation and also visit our partner website at Taps9 Legal Services