If you’re looking for the best divorce lawyer in Noida , you have arrived at the right place as we not only provide you with free one-on-one consultation , we also guarantee confidentiality. You may call us at 987 3628 941 at any time .
Free filing of Mutual Consent Divorce
We provide free filing of Mutual Consent Divorce in Noida . However the appearance fees is minimal . Considering that in a Mutual Consent Divorce both parties have decided to mutually dissolve their marriage nothing much remains in such cases and total time to complete the process is 6 monthsÂ
Jurisdiction of Court
The Jurisdiction of filing a mutual consent divorce -i Where the Marriage was solemnized
ii Where the wife residesÂ
iii Where both last resided togehter
Where is the Family Court Located?
The Court of the Principal Judge, Family Court is at Surajpur, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar.
Mediation Process during Mutual Consent Divorce
At present Mutual Consent Divorce cases are being referred to the Mediation center in the court premises for 3 times and thereafter the matter is referred to court for hearing of the second motion petition.
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You may also visit  Taps9 Legal Services
You may also call at 9873628941 for any assistance in any court.