Who is the best cheque bounce lawyer in kolkata
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Advocate Tapan Choudhury is the best cheque bounce lawyer in both delhi and kolkata with more than 24 years practice in Criminal litigation . Cheque Bounce cases are governed by the Negotiable Instruments act . Prior to filing a cheque bounce case you will have to serve a legal notice giving time to settle the matter within 15 days . Thereafter file a case within 30 days after completion of 15 days .
Interim Maintenance under Section 143A of NI Act The Hon’ble Supreme Court in Rakesh Ranjan Srivastava vs State of Jharkhand & Anr has set out guidelines wherein it has held that –
“The exercise of power under sub-section (1) of Section 143A is discretionary. The provision is directory and not mandatory. The word “may” used in the provision cannot be construed as “shall.”
Conclusion for
Best Cheque Bounce lawyer at 9873628941
Kindly click here at Caveat India Helpline . and submit your particulars . Helpline Number is 9873628941 for any query related to Cheque Bounce related queries. Our other website for reference is Taps9 Law Chamber
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