Are Spa and Massage Parlours legal in India? Yes they are legal in India , You may find Spa and Massage Centers in every city in India and yes they are legal. Even when you go to states like Kerala there are therapies available which are mainly Ayurveda related and helps remove joint paints etc . There are state laws that govern such businesses with regard to trade licenses . What is mainly the concern is proper hygiene and health benefits associated with it. There are rules and regulations that the Spa or Massage owner need to follow as per the requirements. These rules definitely would not allow such practices which are unethical . Human trafficking is one such example which if any spa or massage parlour indulges in will attract arrets and serious criminal prosecution.
Rules related to Spa and Massage centers in India
The most important of all is engaging in illicit activities like prostitution .That is the first that comes in mind as there have been cases where arrests have been made . There have been instances across in India where arrests have been made and prominent people have been arrested .
ID Card of Customer in Spa and Massage Centers
It is mandatory that the customers should provide valid ID proofs in the form of Aadhar card with their mobile numbers so that the identity of the person is kept in record. There are specific time periods within which the Spa centers have to operate usually 9am to 9 pm with proper facilities and also separate rooms for changing clothes for both men and women.
Maintaining Hygiene in Spa and Massage centers
Cleanliness is of utmost importance  and most importantly these Spa centers or massage parlors should not be in residential areas.
Masseurs should be certified to be employed in Spa and Massage Centers
The person who is referred to as a Masseur should be certified in therapies like physiotherapy , acupressure etc. They should also wear their ID cards which are issued by the owner or employer of the Spa and Massage centers. They should also be more than 18 years of age.
Procedure to be followed by Spa and Massage Centers
There will be a police verification and a through check of whether any criminal activities are linked to the Spa owner especially linked to unlawful sexual activity. Health trade license for a Spa or Massage center is a legal requirement for which it has to undergo certain formalities and with proper compliance of rules related to Immoral traffic (Prevention ) Act.
Display Board of Spa and Massage center in both Hindi and English
The display board should be in both hindi and english languages and also the trade license Number has to be displayed in the premises .
In Conclusion for Are Spa and Massage Parlours legal in India?
Although massage itself is a private affair however since there are Spa Centers which provide such facility and in some cases the centers are made to look very attractive with dark glasses to attract customers. Although CCTV cameras are installed but making the center look too hidden also attracts suspicion. As long as the Spa centers are regulated and following proper rules and regulations as by law established it is absolutely fine . There have been several cases related to Spa and Massage centers where arrests have been made due to suspicion of illegal sexual activities being carried out in the premises . Many Spa and Massage centers have been sealed for such illegal activities. Therefore it is important for every individual to visit such places which follow strict adherence to the prevailing laws in the country . More the customers take responsibility themselves the better for society.
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